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Shiny에서 SparkR 실행하기 Shiny와 SparkR을 통해서 웹으로 분석결과 보여주기 server.R에서는 glm 을 통해서 회귀 모델을 구해서 웹에서 변수값에 따른 결과를 보여준다. server.R # First install shiny library library(shiny) library(ggfortify)# Set the system environment variables Sys.setenv(SPARK_HOME = "C:/app/gitProjects/spark") .libPaths(c(file.path(Sys.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), "R", "lib"), .libPaths()))#load the Sparkr library library(SparkR)# Create a spark context and a SQ.. 2016. 3. 28.
RStudio 에서 Spark 사용하기 로컬모드로 Spark 를 띄우기 위해 먼저 Spark 부터 받자 http://spark.apache.org 혹은 새로 빌드를 하거나 [INFO] Reactor Summary: [INFO] [INFO] Spark Project Parent POM ........................... SUCCESS [ 13.980 s] [INFO] Spark Project Test Tags ............................ SUCCESS [01:04 min] [INFO] Spark Project Sketch ............................... SUCCESS [ 20.141 s] [INFO] Spark Project Networking ....................... 2016. 3. 26.
Hands-on Tour of Apache Spark in 5 Minutes If you have any errors in completing this tutorial. Please ask questions or notify us on Hortonworks Community Connection!IntroductionApache Spark is a fast, in-memory data processing engine with elegant and expressive development APIs in Scala, Java, Python, and R that allow data workers to efficiently execute machine learning algorithms that require fast iterative access to datasets (see Spark.. 2016. 3. 25.
Magellan: Geospatial Analytics on Spark By Ram Sriharsha on October 20th, 2015 Geospatial data is pervasive—in mobile devices, sensors, logs, and wearables. This data’s spatial context is an important variable in many predictive analytics applications. To benefit from spatial context in a predictive analytics application, we need to be able to parse geospatial datasets at scale, join them with target datasets that contain point in spa.. 2016. 3. 25.